Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sonia Sotomayor, Judicial Radical!

Our fine young radical President Obama has nominated a fellow radical to the Supreme Court!

Sonia Sotomayor will sit on the court--barring a meteor hit--and interpret the Constitution with "empathy." Doesn't that make you just feel warm inside? She'll make Ruth Ginsberg look like a conservative. G-d help us.


BUT we now will have a female and a Hispanic! Ain't that just great? (complete sarcasm dripping from keyboard). Let me know what you think about this Constitutional catastrophe.


  1. Can we say stacking the courts, yes we can.

  2. And just think....we have so many girly republicans that won't oppose based on offending someone.

  3. I'm upset she's not gay. How can he be so narrow minded nominating a person so exclusive. I bet she's even a legal American. Obama's base is not going to be happy. How much ya wanna bet we hear from the gay community that he passed up on the chance?

  4. Scalawag I don't think we're there yet, but Obie CERTAINLY isn't opposed to abusing power.

    Bluepit I heard Rush make a BRILLIANT case today that this nomination is a PERFECT opportunity to highlight the differences between contructionist conservative judges, and left-wing activist judges. We're going to lose anyways, so make this as painful as possible for the radicals. Expose the constitutional killers for what they are!

    Chuck are sure she's not a lesbo? :-) He already has a Janet in his administration. Clinton did too.

  5. Oh, one more thing. Did anyone hear the press conference she held this morning? This woman is in LOVE WITH THE SOUND OF HER OWN VOICE! She has a terminal case of it too. She speaks VERY slowly and deliberatly, like Hillary used to do. G-d forbid that we peeons miss a droplet of her uttered wisdom.

    Oh boy, we got a real lightweight on our hands.

  6. Just what is a "Hispanic''? Is that a race? And what is a "Latina''? I understood Latin to be a language. When did that become a race? Johnnymac.

  7. Johnny! Man it's good to see you here! Stop by more often, I miss you homeboy!

  8. I'm not surprised by this nominee. Look at the screwball who nominated her.

    What worries me is how many appointments for the SCOTUS will Obama make. I am equally alarmed by Obama's appointments to the lower federal court benches.

  9. FW as long as our conservatives hang in there we'll be okay. Kennedy is the wild card, and he's getting old. If he can wait another 4 years a R President can name his replacement. Obie will have a chance to do his damage until then.
