Thursday, January 7, 2010

Class Warfare and the Plague of Economic Ignorance

An anonymous letter writer opined in the Florida Times Union, Rants and Raves section on 1-7-2010:

According to the T-U we have on the City Council an arch conservative who has attended a local church all his life and is very proud of both. He votes no on every piece of social spending legislation to help those he represents. Apparently he agrees with the economist Milton Friedman. Greed is good. Profit should be the only concern of business. No regulation as this interferes with profit. Government should provide no services and everything should be privatized, including the police and military. ... I hope he sleeps well.

This is so typical of the leftist worldview that I took the time to respond with remarks of my own, placed after each line of this nutty screed.

According to the T-U we have on the City Council an arch conservative who has attended a local church all his life and is very proud of both. Ooooh, an "arch conservative" ooooh. And he's attended church all his life, what a dangerous wacko he must be. Has someone contacted the local authorities? LOL!

He votes no on every piece of social spending legislation to help those he represents. Oh my God! He's responsible with other people's money, the horror! He'll never be a national Democrat doing that.

Apparently he agrees with the economist Milton Friedman. Greed is good. "Greed" is a word used by leftists and the economically ignorant (but I repeat myself) to demonize those who have money that they'd like to seize. The person who worked hard to earn that money is said to be "greedy" when he resists the state sponsored theft of those funds. Interestingly enough, elected Cleptocrats (think Barney Frank & Chris Dodd) are never said to be "greedy" for the hundreds and hundreds of taxes they impose in order to redistribute that money to those who didn't earn it.

*About the late, great Milton Friedman, to whom we owe so this.

Profit should be the only concern of business. You're right, profit should ONLY be important for those businesses who want to keep the doors open. Outside of that, profit is irrelevant. :-)

No regulation as this interferes with profit. NOBODY is arguing against minimal regulations that allow us to live peacefully with each other. Good strawman argument though. Having few laws which are strictly enforced is the best policy. The stifling spiderweb of regulations that we now endure is a form of tyranny.

Government should provide no services and everything should be privatized, including the police and military. ... I hope he sleeps well. Ease off strawman arguments already! The military and police are legitimate functions of government. Governments duties are few, and enumerated in our Constitution.

PS--This level of idiocy is becoming more commonplace. If we are going to save this great Republic, every single one of us needs to confront misinformation and ignorance of this sort in whichever venue at appears. If the schools refuse to educate our children on the subject of Basic Economics, WE will have to step up to the plate. Oh, did I tell you about the drowning polar bears? LOL!


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